A collection of work in a very traditional style and mediums. Some of these projects can be found as case studies, as they crossed over between the illustration and graphic design disciplines.
Title: Nebuloso
Client: Elphomega
Medium: Graphite on paper
Uses: Album Cover and Marketing materials
Title: Cancion de Cuna Oceanica
Client: Ella La Rabia
Medium: Ink on paper and Photoshop
Uses: Album Cover and Marketing materials
Title: 11 Steps Series
Client: Editorial Bad Auteur
Medium: Graphite on paper
Uses: Illustrations for unpublished book
These are some works based on different myths and works of fiction.
Title: Hermes
Client: Editorial Bad Auteur
Medium: Oil on wood panel
Uses: Illustration for book
Title: Magoi
Client: Editorial Bad Auteur
Medium: Oil on canvas
Use: Illustration for book
Title: Doppleganger
Client: Boa Records
Medium: Oil on mylar on wood panel
Uses: Illustration CD booklet
Title: The Pledge
Client: Editorial Bandaparte
Medium: Oil on linen on wood
Uses: Illustration for book
Title: Kunoichi
Client: Editorial Bandaparte
Medium: Oil on linen
Uses: Illustration for book
Title: Biggie
Client: Game Over Magazine
Medium: Oil on mylar on wood panel
Uses: Illustration magazine article
Title: Brida
Client: Editorial La Luciernaga
Medium: Oil on copper
Uses: Illustration for book
Title: Libertad/Hambre
Client: BOA Records
Medium: Oil on linen on wood
Uses: Album Cover and Marketing materials
Title: La Misiva
Client: Avoid Records
Medium: Acrylic on paper
Uses: Album Art and Marketing materials
ATAMABrand Identity
LICORS DE MONTSERRATLabel Design, CGI, Marketing Design
PLAYSTUDIOS UICreative Direction, UI/UX Design
PLAYSTUDIOS MARKETINGCreative Direction, Marketing Design
TRADITIONAL ILLUSTRATIONTraditional Illustration, Art Direction
DIGITAL ILLUSTRATIONDigital Illustration, Art Direction